Today, in Zoolandia and around the world, a very important day is celebrated: World Autism Awareness Day, celebrated on April 2nd.
This year, in Spain, the campaign is themed “Autism Near You”. What does this mean? It means that autistic individuals are closer than we think, and it’s time to make their presence visible in our communities.
In Zoolandia, for example, we all know a very special girl named Sofia the zebra, who has autism. Sofia is a much-loved girl by her friends and family, but although everyone loves her, many still don’t quite understand what it means to be autistic. There are often misunderstandings and myths surrounding autism, which can negatively affect autistic individuals and their families.
The “Autism Near You” campaign aims to generate a change in attitude in society, fostering understanding, tolerance, and respect towards individuals on the autism spectrum and their families. We must all come together to learn more about autism and support those who experience it, so they can enjoy a fulfilling life and participate in all aspects of society.
As part of this initiative, we invite you to watch a special episode of Croco Doc titled “A New Friend.” In this episode, Patty the piglet meets Sofia the zebra and learns about autism and the importance of friendship and inclusion.
You can watch the full episode at the following link:
Let’s work together to make Zoolandia and the world a more inclusive and understanding place for everyone! More information at: